Timber wedge clamp for soldier pile wall
Saves time and materials

A soldier pile wall with timber planks clamped to the front of each soldier pile is ideal for deep trenches and excavations on inner-city sites.


  • The system consists of just three parts: wedge plate, U-plate and wedge. The timber wedge clamp saves time and materials.
  • No expensive excavation between the soldier piles
  • Timber planks are simply attached in front
  • Timber planks fixed regardless of exact positions of soldier piles
  • No sawing
  • No cutting planks to size
  • Long planks can be used
  • Planks can be used again and again
  • No settlement
  • No loss of soil
  • Installation of two planks at a time helps maintain the stresses in the soil
  • Can also be dismantled from the bottom up
  • Fixing planks in front of the soldier piles reduces the amount of work required
  • Wide range of applications
  • Ideal for inner-city excavations as deep as 7 m
  • With and without wailings
  • Secured with anchors or trench struts

for timber wedge clamp for soldier pile wall

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This section contains more detailed information about the applications for our products plus instructions for assembly and use.


Application areas
timber wedge clamp for soldier pile wall

Further trench shoring systems

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A trench shoring system for many applications. The GIGANT aluminium trenching system enables smaller excavators to work down to depths of 3 m.

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GIGANT steel trench lining

The sturdy GIGANT steel trench lining is a modular system and can be used in both stable and fragile soils down to depths of 6 m.

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Trench struts

We can offer you various trench struts to ensure that trenches are shored safely in your civil engineering projects.

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